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Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus

Country: Spain

City: Madrid


Type of school: Public Universities


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Saint Louis University is an American, Jesuit university ranked among the top 100 research and teaching institutions in the United States. Distributed over two campuses: St. Louis Campus in the United States and Madrid Campus in Spain, the University enrolls more than 11,000 students, over 650 of whom pursue their studies in Madrid.


While originally established in the 1960s as a study abroad program for US college students, the Madrid Campus is now a free-standing campus of Saint Louis University where students from more than 65 countries study undergraduate and graduate courses to obtain either US 4-year undergraduate degrees, graduate degrees or, in the case of study abroad students, credits towards their degrees on their home campuses.


Students will receive a quality education, as well as the added value of international exposure, providing them a competitive edge over their peers upon graduation.




Political Science



International Relations



Business Administration

Certificate Programs


Business Administration






International Business



Spanish Language and Literature



English (one semester in St. Louis, Missouri)



Ibero-American Studies

Certificate Programs



Graduate Degree Programs: Master of Arts



Graduate Degree Programs: Master of Arts


In addition to the Madrid Campus degree programs, Saint Louis University offers over 85 majors (a sampling is given below) that can be finished with approximately four semesters of study on the Madrid Campus before transferring to the Saint Louis Campus for completion. For more information on the Saint Louis Campus as well as the full listing of programs offered, please see


  • Accounting
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • American Studies
  • Art History
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioelectronics
  • Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Business Administration
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese
  • Classical Humanities (Greek and Latin)
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environmental Science
  • Finance
  • Flight Science
  • French
  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • German
  • History
  • Human Resource Management
  • International Studies
  • Leadership and Change
  • Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Meteorology
  • Music
  • Nursing
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Physics (B.S.)
  • Pre-Dentistry
  • Pre-Law
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Optometry
  • Pre-Physician Assistant
  • Pre-Podiatry
  • Pre-Veterinary
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Studio Art
  • Theatre
  • Theological Studies
  • Women's Studies

* Dual degree program with Universidad Autónoma de Madrid which includes a mandatory period of study on the St. Louis Campus.

Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. It is the third-most populous municipality in the European Union after Greater London and Berlin, and its metropolitan area is the third-most populous city by urban area in the European Union after Paris and London.


The city is located on the river Manzanares in the centre of both the country and the Community of Madrid. As the capital city of Spain, seat of government, and residence of the Spanish monarch, Madrid is also the political centre of Spain. The current mayor is Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón from the People's Party.


Due to its economic output, standard of living, and market size, Madrid is considered the major financial centre of the Iberian Peninsula; it hosts the head offices of the vast majority of the major Spanish companies, as well as the headquarters of three of the world's 100 largest companies (Telefónica, Repsol-YPF, Banco Santander).


While Madrid possesses a modern infrastructure, it has preserved the look and feel of many of its historic neighbourhoods and streets. Its landmarks include the huge Royal Palace of Madrid; the Teatro Real (Royal theatre) with its restored 1850 Opera House; the Buen Retiro park, founded in 1631; the imposing 19th-century National Library building (founded in 1712) containing some of Spain's historical archives; an archaeological museum; and three superb art museums: Prado Museum, which hosts one of the finest art collections in the world, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, a museum of modern art, and the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, housed in the renovated Villahermosa Palace.


There are several theories regarding the origin of the name "Madrid". According to legend Madrid was founded by Ocno Bianor (son of King Tyrrhenius of Tuscany and Mantua) and was named "Metragirta" or "Mantua Carpetana". Others contend that the original name of the city was "Ursaria" ("land of bears" in Latin), due to the high number of these animals that were found in the forests, which, together with the strawberry tree ("madroño" in Spanish), have been the emblem of the city from the Middle Ages.


Nevertheless, it is now commonly believed that the origin of the current name of the city comes from the 2nd century B.C. The Roman Empire established a settlement on the banks of the Manzanares river. The name of this first village was "Matrice". Following the invasions of the Germanic Sueves, Vandals and Alans during the fifth century A.D., the Roman Empire could not defend its territories on the Iberian Peninsula, and were therefore overrun by the Visigoths. The barbarian tribes subsequently took control of "Matrice". In the 7th century the Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula saw the name changed to "Mayrit", from the Arabic term "Mayra" and the Ibero-Roman suffix "it" that means "place".


Interesting Places

  • Walls of Madrid
  • Iglesia de San Nicolas de los Servitas
  • Casa de los Lujanes
  • Iglesia de San Pedro el Grande
  • Plaza de la Paja built in 16th century is a Chapel with altar showcasing the Renaissance style
  • Casa Cisneros and Bridge of Segovia also belong to the 16th century. Covering the area of 9 acres, Bridge of Segovia is a masterpiece of Juan de Herrera
  • Casa de las Siete Chimeneas is an important landmark of 16th century that presently serves as Ministry of Culture
  • Monasterio de la Encarnacion belonging to the 17th century showcases one of the finest Madrid's baroque style of art
  • Plaza Mayor built by Philip III in between 1617-1619, depicts the magnificent Renaissance art
  • Palacio Real, built under the rule of Philip V in 1714
  • Fountain of Neptune
  • Bridge of Toledo
  • Museo del Prado designed by Juan de Villanueva in Paseo del Prado
  • Palacio Real. The Royal Palace has been transformed from residence place to museum to showcase the royal and kingsize life of previous rulers of Madrid
  • Parque del Retiro (Park of the Retreat) was designed in the 1630s by the Duke of Olivares
  • Royal Botanical Garden and Casa de Campo are two other landscaped parks in Madrid that feature scenic lake with boats and canoes, verdure foliage and you can spot various species of animals in Casa de Campo

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More info may be found on:

Contact details

Address:Avenida del Valle 34

28003 Madrid


Phone:+34 91 554 58 58

Fax:+34 91 554 62 02

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