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ISMA University

Country: Latvia

City: Riga


Type of school: Private Universities


Search for other universities in: Riga


ISMA University is one of the leading higher educational institutions in Latvia. ISMA has rich traditions and clear future vision within the common area of European higher education.


ISMA students are provided with an opportunity to make their dreams come true by obtaining the required knowledge in the five directions, which are accredited by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Latvia.

  • Economics
  • Management and Administration, Real Estate Management
  • Information Technologies, Computer Technologies, Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Management and Computer Science
  • Hotel and Restaurant Management, Management of Tourism and Recreation
  • Arts


ISMA successfully ensures continuing development, which nowadays is an advantage on the Latvian and European labour markets while offering competitive education, which combines both theory and practice.


At present ISMA offers Latvian and foreign students to study at all levels: first level professional higher education, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral study programmes. Therefore, ISMA provides its students with an opportunity to receive the education which meets their future plans, is labour market oriented and ensures the development of creative and leadership skills.


ISMA offers students modern and renovated study facilities, library, advanced technical support of studies, free parking place, as well as opportunities to enjoy meals in the cafe and relax in the park on campus. After the first year of studies ISMA students can participate in the student mobility programmes and continue studies in prestigious foreign universities. During summer practice students acquire and develop their practical skills in international foreign companies. This is an opportunity to apply the obtained knowledge, learn the world and, whish is also important, to pay tuition fees with the money earned in summer months.


Offering various professional development programmes and courses ISMA is a reliable cooperation partner for everyone who is determined to build future career, obtain new knowledge and raise professional qualification.


ISMA is proud of the work quality, professional and creative potential of the employees, and the academic staff who prepare students for their future careers. The provision of qualitative knowledge and skills is one of the fundamental values of ISMA.


The implementation of new study methodology and technologies (distance learning) ensures the obtaining of knowledge for the students who, for some reasons, are not able to attend lectures.


ISMA is available for everyone who is willing to receive the higher education which meets all the modern requirements.



Real Estate Entrepreneurship


  • Real Estate Transactions
  • Property Evaluation
  • Real Estate Management

Duration of studies: 2 years
Qualification: House Manager


Entrepreneurship in the Restaurant Business


  • Organisation of Catering Services
  • Food Technology
  • Accounting and Taxation in Catering Industry

Major components of the programme:

  • technological process of catering technological process
  • service culture
  • organizing of control and accounting
  • management and marketing of an enterprise


Duration of studies: 2 years
Qualification: Сatering service organizer


Finance and Banking

The program prepares specialists who are ready for the work in financial and accounting structural divisions, in public and private organizations, at enterprises and in credit institutions. The knowledge received during the studies allow to collect and process financial information, calculate and analyze financial performance and provide timely and complete company’s cash flow.


Duration of studies: 2 years
Qualification: Finance specialist




In the framework of this study program the students receive the knowledge of certain risks insurance, trend analysis of the insurance market, insurance product, processing of insurance documents, selecting the most advantageous insurance offer for a certain client.


Duration of studies: 2 years
Qualification: Insurance specialist


Applied Information Technology


  • Computer systems administration and security,
  • Applied computer modeling systems,
  • WEB technologies information systems.


Duration of studies: 2 years.
Qualification: Specialist in information technologies.


Director of study program:,, Assistant Professor Natallia Karatun





Business Administration


Duration of studies: 4 years, Part Time − 4,5 years
Awarded Degree: Professional Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
Qualification: Business Administrator



  • Business Administration
  • Law Provision Management
  • Culture Management
  • Computer Technologies in Management
  • Oil-Chemistry Industry Management
  • Management of Nanotechnologies
  • International Communications in Business and Management
  • Business Administration in Environment Design
  • Security Manager
  • Media Management (Business): management, PR-communication and advertising

The study programme is carried out students to analyze, plan, organize, control business and to motivate personnel’s work at an enterprise.

The Study Program curriculum and its separate study courses provide the goals and tasks of experts’ training.


Business Administration in Tourism

Program director:
Dr.oec. Jevgenija Dehtjare


Duration of studies: 4 years; Part Time − 4,5 years
Awarded Degree: Professional Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
Qualification: Business Administration in Tourism

Specializations (study plans):

  • Business Administrator in Tourism
  • Hospitality Management. Presentation
  • Restaurant and Club Business Management (after 1st level study program Entrepreneurship in Restaurant Business)
  • Wellness Management. Study plan (in cooperation with Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences)
  • Leisure Organizer (animator)


Information systems


Program director:
Jurijs Šuņins, professor, Dr.Sc.Habil, PhD

Duration of studies: 4 years; Part Time − 4,5 years
Awarded Degree: Professional Bachelor of Information Systems
Qualification: System Analyst


  • Telecommunication Systems
  • Computer Systems Administration and Safety
  • Intellectual Education Systems
  • Applied Systems of Computer Modelling
  • Applied Electronics Computing Systems
  • Web Technologies
  • Computer Design and Media Technologies





Business Administration

The Master’s Degree provides the opportunity to occupy the position of top manager and continue your Doctoral studies. This programme is based on international co-operation.



  • Business Administration
  • Business Administrator in Tourism
  • Management, Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Organisational Development
  • Colour and Lighting in Design of the Architecture
  • Duration of studies: 1 year, 1.5 years, 2 years
  • Awarded Degree: Master’s Degree in Business Administration
  • Qualification: Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Students develop the following competences: scientific research, individual and team work, decision making in controversial or strategically significant situations, planning, analysing, reporting, negotiating, innovation management, international mobility and co-operation.



Computer Systems

The aim of the study programm is to train professional Masters in Computer Sciences on the basis of extended and comprehensive knowledge of computer systems and technologies with professional qualification System Analyst, who can work in various fields of manufacturing, technologies and science.

Duration of studies: 2 – 3 years
Awarded Degree: Master’s Degree in Computer Systems
Qualification: System Analyst



  • Administration and Safety of Computer Systems
  • Telecommunication Systems
  • Intellectual Teaching Systems
  • Applied Systems of Computer Modelling
  • Information Systems of Web Technologies
  • Calculation and Information Systems of Applied Electronics


The graduates are ready to work in entrepreneurship, to develop scientifically based management models, to design and create the necessary competitive software and computer information systems.





Business Administration

Program Director: Dr.oec., Prof., Acad., expert Science of Academy Latvia Marga Živitere

Doctor's degree study programme in the field of business administration, which is awarded by the degree of Doctor of Economics (Dr. oec.) provides for further acquisition of theoretical knowledge and research skills preparing the students for independent research activities. The structure and content of the doctor's degree study programme promotes the acquisition of scientific knowledge, extended skills and competencies to be applied in scientific research.

Currently and in perspective, the mission and role of business administration and Doctors of Business Administration can be performed in the following three areas:

  • first - education and science;
  • second - entrepreneurship;
  • third - state government.


Being the highest level of education in business administration and a successive stage of scientific research, all the three areas are interrelated and are the part of the European model. New Doctors of Business Administration are highly required in private and state higher education institutions of Latvia and Europe, in state institutions and private firms, in state administration and nongovernmental organisations.

Entrance examinations for the doctoral programme are professional interviews organised by the Council of the Doctoral Programme. A candidate for the Doctor's degree shall submit a written substantiation of a selected theme and his or her research programme to the Council of the Doctoral Programme.

The content of the programme comprises of theoretical study courses, in the amount of 40 credit points, as well as research work, which results in elaboration of a promotion thesis in the amount of 120 credit points. A promotion thesis can be elaborated in the following ways: dissertation; set of thematically common scientific publications; monograph.

The doctoral programme full-time studies duration - 4 years, half-time studies duration - 4 years and 10 months.

The program covers a wide range of economics and management courses: business administration, economics of firms, finance management, information systems management, marketing, methodology and researcher methods etc.

The awarded academic degree: Doctor of Economics (Dr. oec.)
Information: +371 67100607



Presentation video

Find out more about students life at ISMA University and click here



For Latvian residents

In accordance with ISMA Provisions for Admission the following persons can enroll:

  • Persons with secondary education,
  • Persons with incomplete higher education,
  • Persons with higher education diploma.

Forms of studies:

  • Full-time studies (Day Shift (8:30 – 16:00), Evening Shift (17:30 – 21:30));
  • Distance Education;
  • Part-time studies.


Language of studies:

  • Latvian, English, Russian.


Documents required for admission:

  • The original of document on education with grades,
  • Examination Centre certificates on Latvian and foreign language (For those, who finished school after 2004 year).
  • 2 photographs,.
  • Passport copy.


ISMA offers an attractive variety of accommodation to the students of other towns and countries.


For residents of other countries


Documents Required for Admission

Reception of documents, entrance procedure and admission are performed by ISMA Admission Board. Admission of foreign students is made based on their personal applications for studies at ISMA.


Documents required for admission of foreign nationals in ISMA:

  • Standard application form
  • Passport copy
  • Foreign passport
  • 2 photographs (3x4 size)
  • A copy of the full secondary education with grades
  • A copy of the bachelor`s degree and diploma supplement with grades (if any)
  • A copy of the professional diploma and diploma supplement with grades (if any)
  • A copy of the master diploma and diploma supplement with grades (if any)


Registration fee: 300 EUR
may be applicable special conditions in accordance to the country of residence of the applicant. Please contact coordinators of International Relations Department for detailed information.


Accommodation: ISMA offers an attractive variety of accommodation to the students of other towns and countries

All diplomas issued by other countries should be submitted by ISMA to the Academic Information Centre to get approval of its authenticity.
Scanned copies of all the available documents must be sent to ISMA Admission Board by or +371 67241591

*All documents of previous education must be translated in English and legally approved by the notary except the cases if documents are in Russian, Ukrainian or Belorussian


In accordance with ISMA Provisions for Admission and Enrollment Assessment the following persons can enroll:

  • Persons with secondary education,
  • Persons with incomplete higher education,
  • Persons with higher education diploma,
  • Persons who successfully completed Enrollment Assessment procedure.






1 Lomonosova Str., build. 6, Riga, Latvia, LV-1019


Phone: 371 67100607
Mobile: +371 22044048
Fax: +371 67241591

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