Country: Poland
City: Cracow
Type of school: Public Universities
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University of Agriculture in Cracow draws from the Jagiellonian University's cultural and historical heritage.
This university was the place of agricultural and Forestry sciences, where the youth were educated in a patriotic spirit, starting from 1890. Currently, after 50 years of its existence, our priority is still independence of thoughts and behaviors and the common known academic values and rules defense. University of Agriculture in Krakow's mission as an Academic University is education of the future elites in wide are of food and forestry industry as well as shaping and protecting natural environment.
We are supposed to prepare employees capable of filling the modern ecological market expectations and using the Earth sources properly.
Taking into consideration the industry development, our university passes modern knowledge and skills in field of natural, forestry, biological, economical and engineering sciences.
Social and economical changes which have been implemented in Poland caused that our graduates are expected to have new qualifications. Instead of specialist prepared to conduct and manage production processes in agriculture field, it expects a specialist who will be able to combine established technologies with skills in advising and decent economical knowledge.
Those qualifications combined with social communication skills are the core of the proper preparation to work in agriculture area.
Wydział Rolniczo-Ekonomiczny
Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
Rolnictwo (study in Polish)
Ochrona środowiska (study in Polish)
Zarządzanie (study in Polish)
Ekonomia (study in Polish)
Biogospodarka(study in Polish)
Jakość i bezpieczeństwo środowiska(study in Polish)
Wydział Leśny
Forest Department
Leśnictwo (study in Polish)
Wydział Hodowli i Biologii Zwierząt
Animals inbreeding and biology faculty
Bioinżynieria zwierząt (study in Polish)
Biologia stosowana (study in Polish)
Zootechnika (study in Polish)
Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Geodezji
Faculty of environmental engineering and land surveying
Inżynieria środowiska (study in Polish)
Geodezja i kartografia (study in Polish)
Gospodarka przestrzenna (study in Polish)
Inżynieria i gospodarka wodna (study in Polish)
Architektura krajobrazu (study in Polish)
Wydział Biotechnologii i Ogrodnictwa
Biotechnology and horticulture faculty
Ogrodnictwo (study in Polish)
Biotechnologia (study in Polish)
Sztuka ogrodowa (study in Polish)
Technologia roślin leczniczych i prozdrowotnych (study in Polish)
Winogrodnictwo i Enologia (study in Polish)
Wydział Inżynierii Produkcji i Energetyki
Production engineering and energy production faculty
Transport i logistyka (study in Polish)
Technika rolnicza i leśna (study in Polish)
Zarządzanie i inżynieria produkcji (study in Polish)
Odnawialne źródła energii i gospodarka odpadami (study in Polish)
Wydział Technologii Żywności
Faculty of Food Technology
Technologia żywności i żywienie człowieka (study in Polish)
Dietetyka (study in Polish)
Browarnictwo i Słodownictwo (study in Polish)
Uniwersyteckie Centrum Medycyny Weterynaryjnej UJ-UR
University Centre of veterinary medicine
Weterynaria (study in Polish)
Kierunki prowadzone w j. angielskim na studiach I, II stopnia
w roku akademickim 2020 / 2021
Wydział Rolniczo-Ekonomiczny
Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
Agriculture (study in English)
Environmental Protection (study in English)
International Master Double Degree Program in Business Economics (study in English)
Wydział Biotechnologii i Ogrodnictwa
Biotechnology and horticulture faculty
Environmental and Plant Biotechnology (study in English)
International Master of Horticultural Science (study in English)
Wydział Leśny
Forest Department
Forestry (study in English)
Wydział Technologii Żywności
Faculty of Food Technology
Food Technology and Human Nutrition (study in English)
Wydział Inżynierii Produkcji i Energetyki
Production engineering and energy production faculty
Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management (study in English)
Cracow is located on the Wisła River on the South part of Poland. It is the second biggest city(after Warsaw) and one of the oldests Polish towns with over 1000 history, attractive touristic and architectural values. Cracow is historical Malopolska’s capital and central metropolitan agglomeration’s centre.
Recently, Cracow is Malopolskie province government’s residence, Polish Skills Academy is also located here. Places such as National Old Theatre, National Museum or Jagiellonian Library or other important national institutions cause that Cracow’s unique atmosphere attracts tourists who come here to enjoy historical heritage of Poland.
Cracow is one of the main communication spots in South Poland as far as administrative, educational and tourism centre. Balice Airport which is located on the suburbs of Cracow, is the second largest international airport, significant in the transatlantic area.
More details about recruitment process can be found on:
Contact details
Address: Mickiewicza St. 21
31-120 Cracow
Phone: +48126336245
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